Airsoft Krytack LMG Boxmag Fill Lid
This item was originally made as a lid for Box mags that can be used to fill the mag up more quickly.
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This item was originally made as a lid for Box mags that can be used to fill the mag up more quickly.
Being 3D printed, the lid is made of Highly durable plastic, with only metal/steel parts being a set of M3 screws and nuts.
Compatibility: It was designed to fit airsoft box mags.
NOTE* you would need to cut out a small space that would be covered with this lid. so it can be used for its purpose.
Dimensions: Height- 0,7 cm, Width-4,5 cm, Lenght-4,5 cm
Color: Black
Additional information
Polishing | Raw |
Color | Black |
Material | PLA, PLA Carbon |
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